Saturday, February 28, 2009

I just read over on Joshua Marie Wilkinson's blog that he has a few new books out.

This one here looks really good.

Actually, they all look really good. I've been looking forward to reading the 12x12 book for some time, and the other chap looks really pretty.

That said, I'd swing by the Further Adventures site and pick one of these up. After all, this is the only book that comes with the awesomeness of Lucas Pingel, and all you have to do to get that awesomeness is pick up the book in a different way...easy, right?

As a side note, I've been really humbled over the last few days by everyone's congratulations to me.



Brandi said...

Hey B.J., when I got my first master's degree, my dad said that if I added "a quarter, I could get a cup of coffee" with it... so I feel ya! Get hyped! This is big...

Chet said...
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