Saturday, February 28, 2009

I just read over on Joshua Marie Wilkinson's blog that he has a few new books out.

This one here looks really good.

Actually, they all look really good. I've been looking forward to reading the 12x12 book for some time, and the other chap looks really pretty.

That said, I'd swing by the Further Adventures site and pick one of these up. After all, this is the only book that comes with the awesomeness of Lucas Pingel, and all you have to do to get that awesomeness is pick up the book in a different way...easy, right?

As a side note, I've been really humbled over the last few days by everyone's congratulations to me.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a quick note to tell you that if you haven't read or aren't currently reading James Tate's "Memoir of the Hawk," than you're dumb.


I'm kidding, but you should read this book. I haven't read enough of Tate to say that this is the definitive collection in his body of work, but just reading this book you get the sense that he was firing on all cylinders here. No poem seems, well, almost no poem, is easily overlooked...feels like something you've seen before. By this time Tate's shtick is well known: the crafting of odd or alternate universes out of everyday phrases and places. However, I do think of this book as being the essential example of that ideal.

Anyway, I gotta go to work.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm going to start with this:

Two days ago I released upon the world Joshua Marie Wilkinson's and Lucas Pingel's newest chapbooks bound together in a single volume. Buy it here: clicking this will take you directly to the raddest shit on the planet.

Poets are poor. Poets need money. This is how we make it...

I was reading the Black Ocean blog today and am enthralled by Chris Tonelli's idea of a bizzaro AWP that is made of entirely of "off-site" events. Personally, of the three AWP's that I've been to, I've never seen a panel that I was really interested in, and the ones I usually go to (just so I can feel I've gotten my money's worth) have almost all been really bad. This last year I was a big fan of the No Thousands reading and the year before the Steal This Reading rejuvinated my interest, not only in poetry, but in the community that comes with it.

Anyway, I'm saying it here now, I am in. Tonelli, you have my interest and with that comes my out.

In other news, yesterday I got a phone call from James Galvin welcoming me into the Writer's Workshop at Iowa. Today, I got an automatically generated, electronically signed rejection letter from Minnesota. The upside to that is the decision has already been made. Sorry Luke... I'm still waiting on UMass Amherst and Brown, but in all honesty, I'm probably going to Iowa. Not only would I need to get accepted into those programs, but they would need to come with pretty sweet packages to get me out there.

One thing I've realized over the last 36 hours...saying Iowa Writers Workshop in casual conversation is really hard. Go on, try it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some apologies you just have to make. Like this:

I'm sorry but there is a book that you must buy. The more books you buy, the more money Further Adventures has. The more money Further Adventures has, the nicer the books become.

It's a capitalist based system, folks...

Wilkinson/Pingel Pingel/Wilkinson

Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is pretty much the most perfect thing I'll see today.

It might have made me cry. That, or my eyes were just real dry.

And my tears overcompensated.

I don't know.

Friday, February 20, 2009

sick dogs suk

  • My dog was sick this week. Real sick. $500.00 at the vet sick.
  • I didn' t then, nor do I have now, that $500.00.
  • Thus, this entire weekend will be spent at home.
  • Thus, this entire weekend will be spent making books.
  • Thus, by Monday I will have books for you to buy.
  • My dog won't buy books and even if she did I'd tell her, "You have a large vet bill, you shouldn't be spending any money on books. Bad dog! No, no books!"
  • Be on the lookout for a couple of large FA announcements coming in the next few days...LARGE.
  • My dog being sick led to a weird coincidence: See that Stanford quote up there? Yeah, weird.
  • My nephew draws funny pictures, this is one:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


...I paint Indians. I also read, or re-read, rather, Eric Baus' Tuned Droves. Why? Because I'm curious as to the structure of the book. The first section, per my first reading, functions in one of three ways: either its like the slo-mo demo of a game you're just learning, or it's like the first 10 min. of a Lord of the Rings movie where you're allowed to become acclimated to the major plot points, or its the first moments with a friend you haven't seen in a few years. In other words, that section reads a little easy, a little open, and at times, even a little trying to find your way back in, you know? Most likely I'm projecting a few different personal relationships into this particular reading whether it be my relationship with Baus, with his work, or with The Lord of the Rings, but any which way, this is one of the best poetic overtures I've ever read, especially considering how perfectly it sets up the rest of the text.

More later. Both on the Indian front and on the Baus front...

Monday, February 16, 2009

This is Jack Kennedy. Rather, a rendering of Jack Kennedy. I found this in Dubuque last week. The owner's of the bar that I found it in, found it under their walls when they were stripping the plaster off the brick. Some guy who fancied himself painter 40 years ago, couldn't pay his tab with cash, so paid it with paint (a quick aside, I'm always willing to pay bar tabs with poems). Now, this portrait of JFK sits in this bar surrounded by tin and neon beer signs. I can't tell you the name of the bar as I forgot. I also can't tell you exactly where it's at as I was never sure where I was, but I did want to share this with you to help us celebrate President's Day and to give you hope in case you have an outstanding bar tab and no actual income.

I would be remiss to not mention that I had a great time at AWP this year. I may have picked all the wrong sessions to sit in on, and could only afford to buy one book (Eric Baus' "Tuned Droves"), but it was good to see friends and peers and remember why I want to be a writer and publisher of poems. Lots of people hate AWP, and though I do think it's rather pretentious, as my old friends become more and more spread out across the nation, it's nice to have a reason to get everyone in the same place...especially when it's my living room.

Thanks FK for all the wonderful stuff, including the Rope-a-dope broadside, and for bringing your awesome girlfriend.

Thanks JB for all the beer and food and beer and cab rides and beer.

Thanks EB for the hug and encouragement and signing my book.

Thanks MD for sitting up with me until 4:30 in the morning just to shoot the breeze.

And thanks to my surprisingly understanding wife who did not freak out once as I irresponsibly gallivanted around the city.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DFK arrived late this evening (that's him there, he's a whisker baby who enjoys dressing in fuzzy costumes). He drove from Alabama. Where did you drive from? I bet it wasn't Alabama. From what I understand Alabama is wicked far from here. Point is, an old and dear friend is currently curling up on an air mattress in my living room. Amongst other things, that makes me happy. One of the other things is that he brought me Cuban baseball shirt...which I think is illegal? Anyway, my friend, DFK, is the sole proprietor of Small Fires Press and he is here to sell you books. I've seen them, and brother, they are sweet!
He's got this one that's a box of recipe cards and you can arrange and rearrange them however you want AND it's cowritten by one of my future authors Joshua Ware.

Speaking of MY stuff, I've had a small hiccup and don't think I'll have any books ready to go for AWP...I had to walk in the rain today and everything got wet. Now, I'll do a lot of things, but I won't sell you wet, wrinkled books...I just won't. So, I'm hoping to salvage a few of the pages and if you see me, tell me you'd like one and I'll make sure it finds its way into your soft, poet hands...

Tomorrow, I'm going to the Ahsahta + TYPO reading at the Empty Bottle from 6-9, you should too!

I don't know about flames and stained glass, but I do know about poetry and this will be a keeper.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

With a bullet

That was my parking space...

This is my work space...
In other news, my good friend Dan Perry has come up with some wicked images for the next FA chappy...wicked. I'm in the midst of printing; covers done, everything else not. I probably won't have too many to go around during AWP, but hopefully enough for all who want one... That's the nice thing about living here during AWP, everything I need will be right here with me. Tomorrow I hope to stamp this on roughly 30 covers, "Cold Faction," "Joshua Marie Wilkinson," "All Types of Breath Included," "Lucas Pingel."

Speaking of AWP, I hope to see you around: at the bookfair, at the panels, or at a reading or two. If you can't find me, just follow the sound of babbling praise and an inability to come up with something more creative to say than, "I really love your work, no really, I love it..." Most likely that will lead you directly to me.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

I've always liked Bruce Springsteen, but until yesterday's halftime show, I'd never loved him.

That's all's forever Boss-time in my heart from here on out.

Yesterday, I dumped a whole 32 oz. soda on my floor and my dog hid under the bed. 32 oz. beverages are scary. I would have hid under the bed too, but I can't afford to throw away my rug, and I was hungry.

Is there any fatal disease that has a symptom akin to always smelling's everywhere, the onion, I mean. Though, I guess the disease could be everywhere too. Is there a disease that smells like onion?

AWP is in about a week, like 10 days, I guess. I'm working hard to share some really awesome poetry with you. This past week proofs were handed off to the authors and creative was done on the cover. It's getting close. I hope you're excited. My dog is not...she's still hiding under the bed, reliving the shock of fallen soda.

I have fears that my dog is my best friend. She just gets me, you know?