Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okay, so a few pretty cool things took place today. One, I mailed off my last application to MFA school (Amherst). Two, I found a James Tate book I didn't own at the used book store. Three, I got my issue of Corduroy Mtn. One in the mail and got to read it on my couch while drinking a beer at 3:00 in the afternoon. Four, I got to do all these things because I wasn't expected at work today...

In the column of less awesome things: I made barely adequate rice pilaf (first try), I had to listen to President Bush give a speech that was, in my mind, the equivalent of an abusive husband explaining why he HAS to hit his wife (he only did what he did to protect us, you see), I also had to walk around Chicago with a -40 degree wind chill blowing on my face, though that did force me into a pretty good sandwich shop I'd never been to the temperature is a gray area at best.

I've been having lots of complex, suspense movie dreams lately. I don't what the deal is, but every night I always seem to be caught up some conspiracy. It's weird. What's worse is that I always wake up because my brain starts to consciously attempt to figure out what's going on. The last three nights I've caught myself lying awake at 4 in the morning working through who is after who...

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