You should probably come to Cup of Joe (in Cedar Falls, IA) this Saturday, say...around 8:00pm. It too will go beyond extreme. You know, I say that, and then I think, "it's a fucking poetry reading, what would need to happen for THAT to go beyond extreme?" And then I have a few ideas...
I've had a pretty eventful summer and I still have a vacation left to go on. I think I may be a pretty lucky dude...
Have you read Dorthea Lasky's new book yet? It's called, "Black Life," and reading it is like falling in love with every girl with you've ever been in love with, only, more rapidly and less intentionally. You fall in love with the weird girl and the next thing you know, you're falling in love with the smart girl, the goth girl, the oddly confident girl, the more-man-than-you girl, some girl, THE girl, another girl...
I guess what I'm saying is that, at the end of the day, I wound up with a pretty big crush on Dorthea Lasky, but I have no idea who that is...